Hello 2025!

2025 ist still an empty box...

With the beginning of 2025 the Fuzzy World is starting its sixth year!

After 2672 Karakters, 261 Trees, 60 Mojos, 60 Gris-Gris, 60 Grounds, 60 Heroes, 60 Diagrams, 20 Hills and many Extras we are announcing a new era:

New Extras, like personalized T-Shirts and other inventions and creations will be realized.

But Extras, like Mojos, Gris-Gris, Ground, Hills and Diagrams will be stopped. Reduced to the essential (and fewer duties and responsibilities for the creatoresse). Only the "Karakters" (people) remain and "Stones" will be added.

The Fuzzy World is archived in these index boxes.
